Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Bend of Bay & Swerve of Shore

Bend of Bay by texpete Swerve of Shore by texpete

These are the last of old tracks I re-jigged on Sibelius 7. Posting frequency will probably revert back to two or three a year from now on.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Summer Fete - revisited

Summer Fete v2 by texpete

So, having discovered how to work that widget, I have decided to upload the reworked old stuff to SoundCloud and copy the widgets to here. First up, "Summer Fete", which is also available to download at http://thenoillybriggorchestra.bandcamp.com/album/almost-too-exciting-to-contain.

Look out for your other faves over the coming days/weeks.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Nisi Nirvana

Nisi Nirvana by texpete

Well: there's that widget.

Nisi Nirvana is my latest tune, named after a character in the book 'Imajica' by Clive Barker. I have translated her name to "If not Heaven" for download on Bandcamp, at


Her story is a kind of parody of the christian nativity, and I think it makes a nice secular, irreligeous yuletide hymn, although you will need to supply your own words, or just hum along with the Nolly Brig Choir of Ruffians.

I'm hoping to be able to come up with another 4 tunes to sit alongside this one in a suite based on Clive Barker's book, one for each of the 5 Dominions which form the 'Imajica'.

The Nolly Brig Orchestra

Hello Blog: long time no blog.

I've just checked in and discovered that file factory (which hosted the original files linked previously) seems to have deleted the files, so those links no longer work. No great matter: it was a horribly cumbersome way of going about things. I will work on getting the SoundCloud widget up on here.

I also want to introduce The Nolly Brig Orchestra (that's going to be my musical nomdeplum if you will) who's music is also available to preview for free (and download for a small fee) at ...


... and after whom I have re-named this Blog  (I'm not sure if that is going to work. We shall see.)

Most of the stuff from the earlier posts has been polished up and reworked and, even if I say so myself, doesn't sound too bad. Note that the sound quality of the free previews is not as good as the download .wav files so if you think its sounding a bit 'woolly' then that's probably because it is.

Since I last posted, I have upgraded to Sibelius 7 (music notation software) with its new sound library, and on the whole, I'm quite impressed. I've been working on a new project as well as tidying up the scores from the earlier posts. News on new stuff coming soon..

And yes, I promise not to leave it so long until my next post, this time.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Loch Fada

Loch Fada rests in the centre of the Colonsay, a small island to the west of Scotland.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Waltzin' Bipolar

This is my latest. I quite like it, although the ending is maybe a bit abrupt. It's growing on me though. I have now put all these pieces on Soundcloud.com, where you can listen to them without having to download the file. You can still download and keep the files through FileFactory.

I'm not sure how the links to soundcloud work: I haven't paid for any "widgets" (whatever they are). If you search on soundcloud for "texpete", you will find the files.